Since the covid-19 epidemic has spread to Malaysia and all over the world. People must stay healthy. One way to prevent this virus from spreading so quickly to life-threatening is to regularly wash hands with hand sanitizer. Product founders, this is your best opportunity to produce your own branded products with Malaysian hand sanitizer suppliers. Here we explain some ways to become the founder of a hand sanitizer private label with Umz Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd.
Founder of Hand Sanitizer Private Label

Lately, we can see many people become founders because of profit, contact with suppliers, and the desire to meet. An epidemic is ravaging the world today. Personal hygiene should always be prioritized by the community. In line with the problems of this world, many people take the opportunity to sell hand sanitizers and face masks.
Tips to Choose the Best Malaysian Hand Sanitizer
Ever of hand sanitizer ads that can kill germs up to 99.9%? Whether in drug stores, supermarkets, or regular grocery stores, various brands of hand sanitizer are sold. How to choose the best hand sanitizer? This is a guide for you.
Product Founder’s Main Problem

Based on the experience of Umz Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd, most product founders have one major problem – the product is slow to be ready. When the process of a product is disrupted, then it will affect the next process, packaging, labeling, shipping, and so on. This problem occurs because most self-branded products cosmetics and health take a long time to be ready to package. Cosmetic products are ready two to three months before the month of Ramadan. Health products slimming products can be ready after, Hari Raya. If you want in making your hand sanitizer with an optimum quality guarantee, we can help you at an affordable price. With a minimum production of 1000 MOQ, your product can be ready in quickly. This can guarantee your product in a short period and speed up the subsequent process.
KKM Existing OEM Factory and Halal Status as a Malaysian Hand Sanitizer Supplier

Many entrepreneurs forget to care about this factor. If the factory does not have standards set by the KKM, production can be stopped or the business license revoked. The selection of Malaysian Hand Sanitizer suppliers must be made carefully. A product must be approved by the Ministry of Health Malaysia and JAKIM before it can be sold. You do not have to worry because Umz Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd has certification from KKM and JAKIM. When you get the MOH serial number and JAKIM Halal, this will make it easier for you to put the MOH serial number and halal logo on your product box. Not only that, but we will also help you apply for this approval.
Formulation Not Shared With Other Product Founders

Each product must have its uniqueness and advantages. This is what will ‘bind’ customers with your product and brand. You can produce your brand of hand sanitizer, you do not have to worry if other product owners also make their brand of hand sanitizer with Umz Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd.
Choose an Experienced Factory
We now have extensive branches in Malaysia and is the main choice of the leading founder in Malaysia to create their own branded products. With 15 years of expertise in this OEM industry, we are ready to produce your brand of hand sanitizer.
Get to know Umz Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd

The company started its operations in 2005 and has developed OEM products ranging from discussion, formula, sample, packaging, and delivery to the hands of dealers. Our factory is certified by the Ministry of Health, JAKIM Halal, and GMP. Please click the link below to get in touch with us. Umz Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd welcomes you to visit or call our office. Let’s build a product with us.