5 Ways to Become a Product Founder through a Malaysian OEM Factory, Sabah, Sarawak

5 Ways To Become A Product Founder Through A Malaysian OEM Factory, Sabah, Sarawak - Halal OEM Manufacturer

No matter how many years you have been in business, have you ever wondered how you might become a product founder if you founded a Malaysian OEM factory in Sabah or Sarawak?

In this interesting topic, we from UMZ Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd, Malaysian OEM Factory, Sabah, Sarawak will help guide you on how to become a product founder through Malaysian OEM Factory, Sabah, Sarawak and the steps you need to become a Successful Founder.

How To Become A Product Founder – Things You Need To Do.

You need to have a strategy if you are the founder of a new product, not yet known to the local community or outside. You can sell the product in the market without any problems. Here we provide 5 main steps that you can follow as a way to become a product founder through the Malaysian OEM Factory, Sabah, Sarawak

Make Sure The Product Is Produced From A Malaysian OEM Facility That Meets GMP Standards.

gmp good manufacturing - OEM Factory

The advantage of products made from GMP -rated Malaysian OEM factories is key product safety. Good Manufacturing Practices, also known as GMP, are guidelines that a factory must follow in making OEM products. Furthermore, OEM products will be able to receive certifications such as KKM approval, Halal, Must (beverage) NOTI, and tokens.

Imagine if you don’t find a way to become a product founder through an OEM Factory, you may lose time, energy, and money! There is even no approval for the product produced, causing the founder of the product to be sued. Malaysian OEM factories such as UMZ Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd are the top choice of product founders throughout Malaysia. In addition to the guarantee of optimum quality, the price offered for the production of a unit of OEM products is very cheap and competitive. With a minimum production of 1000 MOQ, your product can be ready immediately.

OEM Product Founders must have a strong marketing strategy.

marketing strategy - OEM Factory

If you have previously been a dropship/stockist or agent for any product no matter whether the product is a health or beauty product, we are sure you know a little bit about marketing. But to achieve being a Successful OEM Product Founder, you need more than that. This marketing strategy encompasses several systems. This system needs to be understood, and research needs to be used for business continuity.

Have an Online Marketing Strategy Through a Website Platform

marketing online - OEM Factory

If you previously promoted on your FB page or on Instagram, you need to know, that the website helps CLOSE SALE more easily. Websites help you in many ways such as

  • Tell your products non -stop 24 hours a day to your visitors/buyers/leads
  • Please close the sale automatically
  • You don’t need to collect their databases such as name, address, and phone number, the website will help resolve this matter when the purchase occurs
  • Online Payment System using FPX Payment
  • If you want to build a stockist/agent and want them to order in large quantities, order directly on the website.
  • You can create an affiliate system from a website that also makes sales of your products faster while helping affiliate agents increase revenue

If you do not have the expertise to build a website, you can get the service Professional Website Designer Malaysia.

Automation in Social Media Using BOT

media sosial - OEM Factory

BOT is a term from the word ROBOT that helps us manage inquiries about products on social media. If you have launched several campaigns on social media for such purposes:

  • Branding
  • Promotion
  • Announcements
  • Looking for Agents / Stockists / Dropship
  • Want to collect customer database

You need this BOT to help you. Imagine if you create 5 different campaigns on social media, you will get a barrage of questions on the messenger, in the comments section that needs to be answered immediately. If late, your leads will lose interest in getting your product or continue to push aside because of too long waiting. So BOT is indispensable automation to help you in business OR you can hire two or three admins to reply to all messages and comments. The cost is huge if you are a first-time product founder.

method marketing - OEM Factory

One statistic shows that 80 percent of users in Malaysia use Google to solve their problems. For example, “Mr. Ali wants to manage his body. Mr. Ali opened Google and continued to type “how to lose weight”. He found a skinny product website. com. Mr. Ali bought the product on the website.

Easy-to-find websites increase sales conversion rates. For every 100 visitors, the normal conversion percentage is 3-8 percent. In other words, for every 100 people, 3 to 8 people will buy. And if 1000 people a day, 30 to 80 people buy. The use of Google Ads and SEO to increase website rankings helps product sales and brand building for those products.


You are ready and have understood How to Become a Product Founder through OEM Factory Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak? If so, contact us directly for a free consultation. UMZ Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd has been operating for over 15 years and has been the choice of hundreds of founders throughout Malaysia to develop products. Now it’s your turn. We from UMZ Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd are pleased to help you and invite you to our office or visit our factory. Let’s build a product with us.


UMZ Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd (Borneo Branch)

L1.11 (C), 1st Floor, Plaza Shell, No 29,Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, 88000 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Tel/Whatsaap: 017-787 8218

Website: umzbiolineborneo.com

Ubat Batuk: Cara Menghilangkan Batuk & Jenis Ubat Batuk Yang Boleh Dibeli Di Farmasi

Cough Medicine - How To Get Rid Of Cough & Types Of Cough Medicine That Can Be Purchased At The Pharmacy

Ubat batuk tradisional merupakan salah satu kaedah yang bagus untuk merawat dan melegakan batuk selain dari ubat-ubatan dari farmasi atau klinik. Sememangnya batuk adalah salah satu perkara biasa yang terjadi terhadap seseorang individu. Namun, sekiranya ia dibiarkan dan berpanjangan, ia boleh menjadi berbahaya dan anda berkemungkinan tinggi untuk dijangkiti virus atau bakteria. Untuk mengetahui punca-punca batuk serta cara-cara yang anda boleh lakukan untuk melegakan batuk, ikuti artikel ini sehingga akhir.

Sebab-Sebab Batuk Terjadi

Batuk merupakan tindakbalas yang berlaku secara semulajadi untuk membuang bendasing serta kuman yang boleh menyebabkan penyakit yang serius seperti radang paru-paru.

Causes of Cough - Halal OEM Manufacturer

Berikut merupakan perkara-perkara yang boleh menyebabkan batuk:

  • Merokok
  • Asma
  • Selesema/influenza
  • Rembesan cecair ke dalam tekak (postnatal drip syndrome)
  • Tekanan
  • Penyakit paru-paru seperti chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Alahan
  • Terdedah kepada habuk, asap dan bahan kimia di tempat kerja
  • Jangkitan pada salur pernafasan (bronchitis, sinusitis) atau paru-paru (pneumonia, tuberculosis)
  • Ubat yang dikenali sebagai ACE inhibitors yang berfungsi untuk mengawal tekanan darah tinggi.

Cara Menghilangkan Batuk

Aiskrim Vanilla

Sifat aiskrim yang sejuk dipercayai dapat mengurangkan keradangan dan mengurangkan sakit tekak. Namun, ia hanya efektif sekiranya anda menggunakan aiskrim vanilla.

example Vanilla ice cream - Halal OEM Manufacturer

Bawang Putih

Selain dari berfungsi untuk menyedapkan masakan, bawang putih juga berfungsi untuk melegakan masalah batuk dan ia telah di gunakan sejak turun temurun. Bakar satu labu bawang putih bersama kulitnya di atas dapur gas selama 15 minit dan pastikan ia tidak hangit dan rentung. Selepas itu, buang kulit bawang dan makan ia begitu sahaja.

Salah satu kaedah yang lain adalah dengan menumbuk bawang putih yang telah dibakar lalu digaul bersama minyak zaitun dan sapukan pada bahagian leher anda sekerap yang mungkin.

example garlic - Halal OEM Manufacturer


Selain itu, antara ubat sakit tekak semula jadi dan boleh melegakan batuk adalah dengan meminum air. Air dapat membantu anda mencairkan kahak dan melembapkan salur tekak anda. Oleh itu, pastikan anda meminum air dengan kadar yang mencukupi.

drink more water - Halal OEM Manufacturer

Asam Jawa

Seterusnya, salah satu petua tradisional untuk melegakan batuk adalah dengan menggunakan asam jawa. Campurkan dua sudu asam jawa ke dalam secawan air suam dan kacau sehingga sebati. Kemudian, tapiskan air asam jawa tersebut untuk membuang biji serta seratnya. Minum air tersebut sebanyak dua kali sehari kerana ia dapat membantu tekak anda berasa nyaman dan menyejukkan badan anda.

example Tamarind - Halal OEM Manufacturer


Seperti yang kita tahu, madu mempunyai banyak khasiat yang baik bagi tubuh badan dan ia mampu merawat batuk dengan lebih baik berbanding ubat dari klinik dan farmasi. Madu dapat mengurangkan sakit tekak, batuk serta selesema. Campurkan dua sudu teh madu bersama air suam serta perahan lemon. Ia akan membantu menenangkan dan membantu rongga dari berlaku kesesakan. Sekiranya tiada lemon, anda juga boleh menggunakan air perahan limau nipis.

example Honey - Halal OEM Manufacturer

Jenis Ubat Batuk Yang Boleh Dibeli Di Farmasi

Sekiranya batuk anda berpanjangan, anda juga boleh mencuba ubat-ubatan yang boleh didapati di farmasi berdekatan anda. Berikut merupakan ubat batuk yang anda boleh didapati di farmasi tanpa preskripsi doktor.


Anti-histamine berfungsi untuk mengurangkan batuk berkahak serta penghasilan hingus.  Ia dapat menembusi penghalang otak dan merencat pusat batuk. Antara ubat yang mengadungi anti-histamine adalah Diphenhydramine, Promethazine,  dan Chlorpheniramine.

example cough medicine oem - Halal OEM Manufacturer


Mucolite sesuai bagi mereka yang menghadapi masalah batuk berkahak. Hal ini kerana ia dapat memutuskan jaringan mukus agar menjadi lebih longgar dan mudah untuk keluar apabila batuk. Antaranya ialah Ambroxol dan Acetycysteine.

example cough medicine farmasi - Halal OEM Manufac


Mempunyai fungsi yang sama seperti Mucolite, Expectorant juga sesuai untuk mereka yang mengalami batuh berkahak. Ia akan mencairkan mucus di saluran pernafasan untuk memudahkan kahak keluar. Antara ubat Expectorant adalah Rhinatiol, Bisolvon, dan Mucolix.

example cough medicine product oem - Halal OEM Manufacturer


Akhir sekali, berbeza dengan Expectorant dan Mucolite, ubat ini digunakan bagi mereka yang mengalami batuk kering. Ia berfungsi untuk mengurangkan kerengsaan serta menghalang reflex batuk di mana ia dapat membantu seseorang itu untuk berhenti batuk. Contoh ubat Antitussive adalah Dextromethorphan, Pholcodeine, dan Syrup Tussidex Forte.

example cough medicine - Halal OEM Manufacturer


Kesimpulannya, terdapat pelbagai cara untuk anda merawat batuk yang dialami secara tradisional ataupun secara moden. Pastikan anda merawat batuk dengan segera untuk mengelakkan ia menjadi lebih teruk. Namun, sekiranya ia berpanjangan, segera berjumpa dengan doktor untuk mendapatkan rawatan yang sepatutnya. P.S Bagi anda yang berminat untuk memulakan perniagaan yang berasaskan produk kesihatan seperti ubat batuk, anda boleh hubungi UMZ Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd.

Senarai Kilang OEM

UMZ Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd yang mempunyai kilang-kilang OEM sendiri mengikut jenis-jenis produk yang ingin dikeluarkan:

  • Kilang OEM Ulu Tiram (Minuman) di Johor – No.9, Jalan Tiram 14, Taman Perindustrian Tiram, 81800 Ulu Tiram, Johor. Tel & Fax : +607-861 2464
  • Kilang OEM Ulu Tiram ( Supplement ) di Johor – No.11, Jalan Tiram 14, Taman Perindustrian Tiram, 81800 Ulu Tiram, Johor. Tel & Fax : +607-861 2464
  • Kilang OEM Ulu Tiram (Ubat Tradisional – MAL Liquid) di Johor – No.7, Jalan Tiram 6, Taman Perindustrian Tiram, 81800 Ulu Tiram, Johor. Tel & Fax : +607-861 4034
  • Kilang OEM Ulu Tiram (Ubat Tradisional – MAL Oil & Cream) di Johor – No.9, Jalan Tiram 14, Taman Perindustrian Tiram, 81800 Ulu Tiram, Johor. Tel & Fax : +607-861 2464
  • Kilang OEM Ulu Tiram ( Kosmetik ) di Johor – No.17, Jalan Tiram 9, Taman Perindustrian Tiram, 81800 Ulu Tiram, Johor. Tel & Fax : +607-863 3950

Cough Medicine: How To Get Rid Of Cough & Types Of Cough Medicine That Can Be Purchased At The Pharmacy

Cough Medicine - How To Get Rid Of Cough & Types Of Cough Medicine That Can Be Purchased At The Pharmacy

Traditional cough medicine is one of the great methods to treat and relieve cough apart from medicines from pharmacies or clinics. Indeed coughing is one of the most common things that happen to an individual. However, if it is left untreated and prolonged, it can be dangerous and you are more likely to be infected with a virus or bacteria. To find out the causes of cough as well as ways you can do to relieve a cough, follow this article to the end.

Causes of Cough

Causes of Cough - Halal OEM Manufacturer

Cough is a naturally occurring reaction to remove foreign matter and germs that can cause serious illnesses such as pneumonia.

  • Pressure
  • Lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Allergies
  • Exposed to dust, smoke, and chemicals in the workplace
  • Infections of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, sinusitis) or lungs (pneumonia, tuberculosis)
  • The medicine is known as ACE inhibitors which function for high blood pressure.

Here are the things that can cause a cough

  • Smoking
  • Asthma
  • Flu/influenza
  • Postnatal drip syndrome

How to Get Rid of a Cough

Vanilla ice cream

example Vanilla ice cream - Halal OEM Manufacturer

The cold properties of ice cream are believed to reduce inflammation and reduce sore throats. However, it is only effective if you use vanilla ice cream.


example garlic - Halal OEM Manufacturer

Aside from working to spice up dishes, garlic also works to relieve cough problems and it has been used for generations. Bake one garlic squash with its skin on a gas stove for 15 minutes and use it not to heat and simmer. After that, remove the onion skin and eat it just like that. One of the other methods is to pound the roasted garlic mix it with olive oil and apply it to the neck as often as possible.


drink more water - Halal OEM Manufacturer

In addition, among the natural sore throat remedies that can relieve cough is drinking water. Water can help you dilute phlegm and moisturize your throat. So make sure you drink water at an adequate rate.


example Tamarind - Halal OEM Manufacturer

Next, one of the traditional tips to relieve cough is to use tamarind. Mix two tablespoons of tamarind into a cup of warm water and stir until well combined. Then, filter the Javanese acid water to remove the seeds and fiber. Drink the water twice a day as it can help your throat feel comfortable and cool your body.


example Honey - Halal OEM Manufacturer

As we know, honey has many good nutrients for the body and it is able to treat cough better than medicines from clinics and pharmacies. Honey can reduce sore throats, coughs, and colds. Mix two teaspoons of honey with warm water and lemon juice. It will help soothe and help the cavity from congestion. If there is no lemon, you can also use lemon juice.

Types Of Cough Medicine That Can Be Purchased At The Pharmacy

If your cough persists, you can also try medications that are available at a pharmacy near you. Here are cough medicines that you can find in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription.


example cough medicine oem - Halal OEM Manufacturer

Anti-histamines work to reduce whooping cough and also runny nose. It can penetrate the brain barrier and block the cough center. Among the medicine that contains anti-histamine is Diphenhydramine, Promethazine, and Chlorpheniramine.


example cough medicine farmasi - Halal OEM Manufac

Mucolite is suitable for those who suffer from whooping cough. This is because it can break the mucous tissue so that it becomes looser and easier to get out when coughing. Among them are Ambroxol and Acetylcysteine.


example cough medicine product oem - Halal OEM Manufacturer

Having the same function as Mucolite, Expectorant is also suitable for those who suffer from phlegm cough. It will dilute the mucus in the airways to make it easier for phlegm to come out. Among the Expectorant medicine are Rhinatiol, Bisolvon, and Mucolix.


example medicine - Halal OEM Manufacturer

Finally, unlike Expectorant and Mucolite, this medicine is used for those who suffer from tuberculosis. It works for irritation as well as cough reflex which can help a person to stop coughing. Examples of Antitussive medications are Dextromethorphan, Pholcodeine, and Tussidex Forte Syrup.


In conclusion, there are various ways for you to treat a cough that is experienced traditionally or in a modern way. Make sure you treat the cough right away to prevent it from getting worse. However, if it persists, see a doctor immediately to get proper treatment. For those of you who are interested in starting a business based on health products such as cough medicine, you can contact UMZ Bioline Manufacturer Sdn BhdWhatsapp Now

UMZ BIOLINE MANUFACTURER SDN BHD has its own OEM factories according to the types of products they want to produce:

Factory OEM High Demand Product In Market

High Demand Product In Market - oem malaysia

Not all of our customers know that there are ways to grow your product and bring it to market. Here we will give an overview of how to start a business through factory OEM which is very popular. Factory OEM Malaysia can help founders regardless of the product they will produce depending on their wishes, based on the MOQ (Minimal Order) of a product.

OEM: Same As An Existing Product

There are many (Original Equipment Manufacturers, OEMs) that already produce products that can be branded with your logo. Finding the right product that fits your needs and is made by a reliable manufacturer, can be time-consuming. The MOQ for each product is different as it is influenced by the raw materials used. Therefore, we are ready to have a discussion in terms of choosing the right MOQ for you. In this field, we always maintain a good relationship with the founders. Among the advantages when choosing an OEM route.


  • Ideal if the product is available or when you only need small changes.
  • Minimal development costs
  • Appropriate MOQ (Minimal Order Quantities) are possible.

Good Manufacturing Practice

gmp good manufacturing - oem malaysia

Before your OEM starts producing your products, you should really learn all the mandatory factors your products should meet. In this case, it is wise to ensure your product manufacturer meets all the standards you want. So, ask specific questions, and go into details. Talk to your OEM product manufacturer about good manufacturing practices. It is a good idea to have a checklist of what you want to cover.

It is your brand and you should be totally happy with how the makes your product when it involves the law. Not only Malaysia law, but if you are going to sell anywhere else, make sure it international standards too.


Ingredients moringa - oem malaysia

When you outsource your product manufacturing, you need to ask your manufacturer where the ingredients come from. Especially true in Malaysia where 65% of the population is Muslim, so you need to consider the Halal Factor. You need to make sure they understand the sensitivities of the Muslims because Islam their followers choose Halal products.


Talk to the manufacturer and how your product will look, smell, function, and feel. Ask for a benchmark sample, with the final packaging that you intend to use. Before investing in and ordering your skincare products, make sure you on:

  • The texture
  • Color
  • Viscosity
  • the fragrance of your formulation.

Once you agree on this, ask for a benchmark sample so that even though the OEM changes anything about the formula, you will notice.

Size and Delivery Time

Finally, you need to on how your products will be manufactured and delivered. Would you prefer the products to be manufactured in batches? Or would you prefer them to be manufactured as you need them? Either way, how much time does it take for them to be made and delivered? You should be really clear on how much time is needed if you don’t want to wait for 3 – 4 months before the next batch is delivered.

As you can see, there are many factors you should consider before choosing the OEM for your products. Follow all the points in detail. We wish you smooth sailing ahead in creating your product brand!

OEM Products Malaysia You Can Choose

If you are interested in producing products of your brand but do not know what your product should be, you can check out Umz Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd as they produce OEM products in Malaysia. In fact, they are among the best manufacturers of OEMs in Malaysia. Maybe doing so can give you an idea of what you want to produce.

The high-demand product that Umz Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd can produce would be as follows:

Product baby care

Baby Products are products intended to be used on infants and children under the age of three. Specially formulated to be mild and non-irritating and use ingredients that are selected for these properties. Baby products include baby shampoos and baby lotions, oils, powders, and creams. The ingredient that is used in baby care products must be safely used on baby products.

Product aromatherapy oil

Your sense of smell enables you to experience your surroundings in a powerful way. Essential oils are used to stimulate the sense of smell through aromatherapy. They can also be mixed with carrier oils and used directly on the skin or hair. Distilled from the leaves, flowers, and seeds of plants, there are so many kinds of essential oils. To help you sift through the essential oil shelf, we rounded up a list of oils, along with specific recommendations.

Product health drink RTD (ready to drink) & sachets (powder)

We develop beverage products for OEM customers. We also, customize existing and propose the product in accordance with customer requirements in all aspects from beverage formula to packaging design. This enables the customer to focus more on sales, marketing, and distribution of their products. A healthy drink business is a smart choice for the new entrepreneur marketing to this health-conscious group. We can produce beverage products in RTD (ready to drink) and sachet(powder).

Product coffee and tea

The success of coffee as a beverage is undoubtedly due to the caffeine found in it as well as the sensory pleasure. With the latest technology, coffee can be mixed with certain herbal ingredients and commercialized as a food supplement or medicinal ingredient. The popular products we can produce are coffee-based such as health coffee for men and women as well as slimming coffee and more.

Tea is a refreshing and aromatic drink. Studies have shown that tea water molecules that are absorbed in the body can improve the health of the body. Flavored tea is a popular product nowadays. We provide flavored tea either fruit-flavored or herbal based on the request of the founder.

Whitening powder product

Whitening products are in high demand to beautify and brighten the skin. The ingredients and products used are natural and semi-synthetic. The products we produce are safer because the ingredients used are approved by the regulatory bodies before being released. We produce whitening products in the form of liquid or sachets.

Choose Umz Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd

choose oem product - Halal OEM Manufacturer

From research and development to formulation, design, production, and distribution, they have all the services that you could possibly need. All in one place, very convenient! Just in case their stocks are not really something of your dreams, worry not as they can also do custom formulas. They can provide a flexible contract with full support, as long as you are happy. Moreover, as one of the best manufacturers of various products in Malaysia, they promise to give the best value service to those who want to produce their own products.

To sum up, there are several products to produce and each has its own benefits and challenges. This is why it is important to choose the right manufacturer and have the right marketing team. If you are looking for a good OEM manufacturer in Malaysia, Umz Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd is the answer! Besides the fact that they use advanced tech, they also have GMP.

Do not wait any longer and contact us here now to live your dream as s successful.

OEM Products Benefits Of Creating Your Own Brand

oem benefits - Halal OEM Manufacturer

Creating your own brand is undoubtedly a challenging task and it needs proper planning if you really want to achieve your goals. Bear in mind that the journey will not be a walk in the park. Once you get started, you have to be committed. The results that you get will determine the direction your business is heading to. Lucky for you, we have a solution for you to get started in the business world.

Why Creating Your Own Product A Fantastic Option?

example box oem- Own Brand

Let’s say you want to sell clothes, this would go under a physical product. So, if you have always been passionate about something, this is the chance for you to make some money while having some fun. Look at this as a golden opportunity for you to get a fresh start. You also get to learn from successes and mistakes that other entrepreneurs have made. At the end of the day, the person who will be fully in control will be you. Whatever choices that you make are totally in your hands.

When your product becomes successful, many opportunities will come knocking on your door. In other words, the sky’s the limit. As a consequence, you also get to enjoy the results of the sales more as you are the boss of your very own empire. You are probably reading this article because you are keen on starting your very own product. For your information, there are several types of products that you can consider offering to your potential customers. Some of the examples are service, physical product, information product, software, and many more.

Things To Consider Before Creating Your Own Product

People say if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. In business, this is very much true because there are many things that you need to consider.

Identify your potential customers and competitors

Firstly, understand how the market works today. You should do some thorough research on how you can attract customers. Having competitions is normal in the business world. By studying more about them, you might identify the gap which can bring the customers to you. Ultimately, the ball is in your court, you just have to find the way to execute this in the best possible way.

Decide on your company’s image

Secondly, the name of your company is probably one of the biggest decisions that you have to make in your life. This is because that is how people will have their first impression which could be a vital factor in attracting them. Hence, sticking to the name is the first big commitment because it is the identity of your company. Other elements such as logo, slogan, and overall image are equally important.

How OEM Malaysia Can Help You Create Your Own Product?

Benefits Of Creating Your Own Brand - Halal OEM Manufacturer

You may have come across some people who tried to sell their own products. Unfortunately, some of them ran into roadblocks after roadblocks and eventually gave up. Fortunately for you, there’s an OEM that can help you to kickstart your business journey.

Our products consist of:

  • Face care
  • Body care
  • Hair care
  • Baby care
  • Bar soap
  • Essential oil
  • Perfume
  • Health supplements

As a client, you will receive assistance in all the necessary lists for your product.

OEM can help with:

  • Product formulation & conceptualization
  • Packaging
  • Label & artwork design
  • Product Registration
  • Obtain Halal certificate

Throughout your time with us, you will receive beneficial solutions from our vastly experienced Research and Development (R&D) team. You will also get a consultation from the OEM. Most of the sessions are free. If you are eager to get a consultation, you can arrange the time of the meeting.

What do we do?

  • Consultative customized OEM/ODM products information
  • Purchase or seek packing materials for clients.
  • Design team to design client’s packages artwork.
  • Customized ingredient samples for clients for evaluation.
  • In-house product ingredient stability and quality test.
  • Manufacture customized bulk ingredients for skincare, body care, hair care, and other cosmetics products according to client’s requirements.


Creating your own brand will take a lot of hard work and dedication. However, getting great results will be very satisfying. With this in mind, OEM Malaysia can help you to make your business dream become a reality. So, are you ready to have your own brand and become a successful entrepreneur?

Why Choose Umz Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd?

  • First of all, we use advanced tech on our equipment.
  • Secondly, we are a Certified GMP Manufacturer.
  • We can provide certifications and registrations for you (Food Registration, Halal, Mal, Not)
  • With 15 years of operations and over 297 happy clients, we will make your dreams come true.
  • It provides one-stop solutions from research and development to formulation, design, production, and distribution of cosmetics, skincare, and personal care products.
  • From discussion, formulas, sample, preparation, and packaging, we will do it for you.

What are we offering?

  • Juices
  • Energy supplements and Nutritional drinks
  • Beauty and cosmetic

Is This A Click Bait?

No, this is not clickbait at all. In fact, the most successful business in Malaysia starts with its own brand. We from Umz Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd are pleased to help you and invite you to our office or visit our factory. Let’s build a product with us.

Kilang OEM Negeri Sembilan Memenuhi Permintaan Buat Produk Jenama Sendiri Berkualiti Tinggi

oem senawang- Halal OEM Manufacturer

Anda berada di Negeri Sembilan dan berminat untuk membuat produk jenama sendiri? Kilang OEM Negeri Sembilan UMZ Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd dapat memenuhi kehendak anda. Untuk memastikan anda berpuas hati dengan pengilang serta produk yang akan dihasilkan, kami kongsikan beberapa ciri unik kilang OEM Negeri Sembilan sebagai panduan anda.

Ciri Unik Kilang OEM Negeri Sembilan

#1 Harga Buat Produk yang Berpatutan

Sekiranya anda pernah menjadi ejen produk, anda pasti tahu harga produk yang anda jual adalah lebih mahal berbanding harga stokis atau harga owner. Selain itu, margin juga adalah kecil sekiranya anda menjadi ejen produk sampai bila-bila. Anda tidak mahu menjadi pemilik produk yang boleh dapat margin untung tinggi?

Inilah peluang anda untuk memiliki produk jenama sendiri. Kilang OEM Negeri Sembilan akan menawarkan harga buat produk yang sangat kompetitif untuk anda.

#2 Penghasilan Produk Sampel Berkualiti Tinggi

Penyediaan produk sampel daripada kilang OEM Negeri Sembilan adalah penting untuk usahawan produk. Tujuannya adalah untuk membolehkan usahawan produk meneliti sampel produk tersebut sebelum dipasarkan secara besar-besaran. Dia perlu meneliti warna, bentuk, wangian, dan tekstur produk agar ianya menepati kehendaknya.

Berikut adalah prosedur biasa untuk menghasilkan produk sendiri:

  • Perjumpaan untuk perbincangan dengan kilang OEM Negeri Sembilan
  • Pilih produk untuk sampel
  • Kilang membuat pemprosesan
  • Sampel siap dan terus dihantar ke outlet

Oleh kerana itu, usahawan produk perlu mencari kilang OEM yang boleh menghasilkan produk sampel dengan mutu terbaik. Dengan kecepatan proses ini, usahawan produk tersebut tidak perlu menunggu lama untuk mendapatkan sampel produk.

#3 Pengamalan Pengilangan Baik (Good Manufacturing Practice) atau GMP

Sebelum memilih kilang OEM Negeri Sembilan, anda perlu memastikan kilang yang dipilih mengamalkan Good Manufacturer Practice (GMP) dalam setiap aktiviti mereka. GMP adalah salah satu pengiktirafan oleh kerajaan untuk memastikan kilang tersebut layak menghasilkan produk OEM.

Anda boleh bertanyakan kilang tersebut tentang standard GMP mereka dan bagaimana mereka mematuhinya. Ini untuk memastikan produk anda bukan sahaja selamat tetapi juga sesuai dengan standard anda.

#4 Kilang Mempunyai Pensijilan HALAL, MESTi, KKM

Top Halal OEM Cosmetic Manufacturer

Pilih kilang OEM yang sudah mempunyai sijil Halal untuk memudahkan proses anda meletakkan siri KKM (NOT / MAL) dan logo Halal pada produk anda.

Anda juga perlu mengetahui perbezaan di antara NOT, KKM dan MAL:

a) NOT

Produk kosmetik yang siap akan diberikan Nombor Notifikasi (NOT) sebagai bukti produk kosmetik tersebut telah dimaklumkan dengan pihak Biro Pengawalan Farmaseutikal Kebangsaan (BPFK). Mulai tahun 2008, proses kawalan terhadap produk kosmetik telah bertukar dari Sistem Pendaftaran kepada Sistem NOTIFIKASI. Melalui sistem ini, pihak syarikat perlu memaklumkan kepada BPFK terlebih dahulu sebelum produk kosmetik tersebut boleh diimport, dikilangkan atau dipasarkan di Malaysia.

b) MAL

MAL ialah nombor pendaftaran dan label Hologram Meditag pada pembungkusannya. Sekiranya sesuatu produk ubat tidak mempunyai kedua-dua ciri ini, produk tersebut dikhuatiri tidak berdaftar dengan KKM. Semua ubat berdaftar mesti mempamerkan nombor pendaftarannya pada label atau pembungkusannya. Nombor pendaftaran dimulakan dengan huruf ‘MAL’ diikuti dengan 8 digit nombor dan diakhiri dengan huruf-huruf yang menunjukkan kategori pendaftaran produk tersebut iaitu :

Kategori pendaftaran produk:

A – Ubat mengandungi racun terkawal

X – Ubat yang tidak mengandungi racun terkawal /OTC

T – Ubat tradisional

N – Suplemen kesihatan

c) KKM

Produk yang berdaftar atau dimaklumkan kepada PBKD tidak meletakkan ‘KKM’ dalam mana-mana nombor pendaftaran atau nombor notifikasi. Sekiranya produk-produk farmaseutikal, suplemen kesihatan, persediaan tradisional dan kosmetik ada nombor MAL, maka produk-produk tersebut adalah selamat daripada bahan-bahan terlarang seperti merkuri, sabrutamine dan dadah yang terlarang. Setiap produk kosmetik, farmaseutikal dan makanan tambahan serta penyediaan tradisional wajib mendaftar dengan PBKD sebelum produk-produk tersebut dipasarkan kepada pengguna.

Nombor pendaftaran untuk produk-produk yang telah berdaftar dengan PBKD akan dilengkapi dengan ciri-ciri keselamatan iaitu nombor pendaftaran serta hologram yang tulen. Anda juga perlu mengetahui bahawa produk yang dijual di farmasi atau pasaraya perlu memenuhi syarat minima seperti:

– Pensijilan dari KKM

– Pensijilan dari JAKIM untuk HALAL

– MESTi untuk produk makanan

Sebilangan besar pengguna pada masa ini akan mencari siri KKM (NOT / MAL) dan logo Halal semasa mereka ingin membeli produk. Ini boleh menjadi titik mudah bagi anda untuk memenangi hati pelanggan anda.

#5 Pilih Kilang Yang Mempunyai Kepakaran Khusus Dalam Niche Tertentu

Tidak semua pengilang boleh menghasilkan pelbagai jenis produk. Ada pengilang yang khusus kepada produk kecantikan sahaja. Ada OEM yang hanya boleh buat produk kesihatan sahaja.

Oleh itu, anda perlu meneliti terlebih kepakaran sesuatu kilang itu. Lihat pada kriteria seperti:

  • Apa kategori produk yang paling banyak diminta oleh pelanggan mereka?
  • Apa sub-kategori produk yang laris di pasaran? Sekiranya produk kesihatan, apakah produk yang top? (skincare, produk kurus dan sebagainya)
  • Kepelbagaian formula produk yang tersedia – lagi banyak pilihan formula, lagi banyak pilihan untuk penghasilan produk anda.


Sebagai contoh, kilang OEM di Negeri Sembilan boleh menghasilkan produksi khas ubat batuk dalam skala besar untuk ubat-ubat farmasuetikal. Bagi anda yang ingin buat produk jenama sendiri, anda boleh memilih ubat batuk herba tradisional kerana produk ini tidak banyak di pasaran namun permintaannya adalah sangat tinggi di pasaran.

Kesimpulannya, anda boleh meneliti tips di atas untuk membantu anda memilih kilang OEM yang anda ingini. Bagi anda yang tinggal di Negeri Sembilan, anda tidak perlu bersusah payah untuk ke Kuala Lumpur untuk menghasilkan produk sendiri

Hubungi UMZ Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd yang mempunyai cawangan kilang OEM di Negeri Sembilan:

  • Persada Catteleya, Negeri Sembilan, 1-2, Jalan Catteleya 2, Senawang, 70450 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

WhatsApp & Tel : +60 17-787 8218

Negeri Sembilan OEM Factory Meets Demand To Make High Quality for you Own Brand Products

Negeri Sembilan OEM - Factory Meets Demand To Make High Quality for you Own Brand Products

You are in Negeri Sembilan and interested in making your own brand products? Negeri Sembilan Umz Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd  OEM Factory can meet your needs. To ensure that you are satisfied with the manufacturer as well as the product that will be produced, we share some unique features of the Negeri Sembilan OEM factory as your guide.

Negeri Sembilan OEM Factory

Price Make Products Affordable

discount product - Halal OEM Manufacturer

If you have ever been a product agent, you definitely know the price of the product you are selling is more expensive than the stockist price or the owner price. In addition, the margin is also small if you become a product agent until any time. You don’t want to be the owner of a product that can get high-profit margins? This is your chance to have your own branded product. Negeri Sembilan OEM factory will offer you a very competitive price for the product.

Production of High-Quality Sample Products

The preparation of sample products from Negeri Sembilan OEM factories is important for product entrepreneurs. The purpose is to allow product entrepreneurs to research samples of the product before it is mass-marketed. He needs to examine the color, shape, fragrance, and texture of the product so that it meets his needs.

Here is a common procedure for producing your own product:

  • Meeting for discussion with Negeri Sembilan OEM factory
  • Select a product to sample
  • The factory makes processing
  • Samples are ready and sent directly to the outlet

Therefore, product entrepreneurs need to find an OEM factory that can produce sample products with the best quality. With the speed of this process, the product entrepreneur does not have to wait long to get a product sample.

Good Manufacturing Practice or GMP

Before choosing a Negeri Sembilan OEM factory, you need to ensure that the selected factory adopts Good Manufacturer Practice (GMP) in each of its activities. GMP is one of the recognitions by the government to ensure that the factory is qualified to produce OEM products. You can ask the factory about their GMP standards and how they comply with them. This is to ensure your product is not only safe but also conforms to your standards.

Factory Has HALAL Certification, MESTI, KKM

Choose an OEM factory that already has a Halal certificate to facilitate your process of putting the KKM series (NOT / MAL) and the Halal logo on your product.

Choose A Factory That Has Specialized Expertise In A Specific Niche

gmp process - Halal OEM Manufacturer

Not all manufacturers can produce a wide variety of products. There are manufacturers that specialize in beauty products only. There are OEMs who can only make health products. Therefore, you need to first examine the expertise of a plant. Look at criteria like:

  • What product categories do they use the most?
  • What sub-categories of best-selling products in the market? If a health product, what is the top product? (skincare, skinny products, and so on)
  • The variety of product formulas available – the more formula options, the more options for the production of your product.

For example, an OEM in Negeri Sembilan can produce special production of cough medicine on a large scale for pharmaceutical medicines.


In conclusion, you can research the tips above to help you choose the OEM factory you want. For those of you who live in Negeri Sembilan, you do not have to bother to go to Kuala Lumpur to produce your own products.

Contact UMZ Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd which has an OEM factory branch in Negeri Sembilan:

  • Persada Catteleya, Negeri Sembilan, 1-2, Jalan Catteleya 2, Senawang, 70450 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

WhatsApp & Tel : +60 17-787 8218

5 Cara untuk Jadi Founder Produk melalui Kilang OEM Malaysia , Sabah , Sarawak

5 Cara Untuk Jadi Founder Produk Melalui Kilang OEM Malaysia - Halal OEM Manufacturer

Jika anda telah bertahun-tahun berniaga, tidak kisah anda dari mulakan dari bisnes apa sekalipun, pernah tak anda terdetik dan terfikir, macam mana cara untuk jadi Founder Produk melalui Kilang OEM Malaysia, Sabah , Sarawak?

Di dalam topik menarik ini, kami dari UMZ Bioline Manufacturer, Kilang OEM Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak akan bantu guide anda cara untuk jadi founder produk melalui Kilang OEM Malaysia, Sabah , Sarawak dan langkah-langkah yang perlu anda untuk menjadi Founder Berjaya.

Cara Untuk Jadi Founder Produk – Perkara Yang Perlu Anda Lakukan.

Untuk menjadi founder kepada sesuatu produk, terutamanya jika produk itu adalah produk baharu di pasaran, belum dikenali atau didengari oleh masyarakat tempatan ataupun luar negara, anda mestilah punyai strategi supaya kelak bila produk telah dihasilkan, anda boleh terus laris jual di pasaran tanpa sebarang masalah. Berikut kami sediakan 5 langkah utama yang anda boleh ikuti sebagai cara untuk jadi founder produk melalui Kilang OEM Malaysia, Sabah , Sarawak. Jangan tergesa-gesa nak siapkan produk , produk mestilah dihasilkan dari Kilang OEM Malaysia yang bertaraf GMP

 Jangan tergesa-gesa nak siapkan produk , produk mestilah dihasilkan dari Kilang OEM Malaysia yang bertaraf GMP

Kelebihan produk yang dibuat dari Kilang OEM Malaysia bertaraf GMP ini adalah satu kunci kelarisan produk. GMP yang juga bermaksud “ Good Manufacturer Practice “ adalah pengiktirafan yang diberikan badan kerajaan kepada sesebuah kilang yang menepati panduan dalam menghasilkan produk OEM. Kilang OEM Malaysia bertaraf GMP ini juga sekaligus akan membantu anda dari segi kualiti produk OEM yang akan dihasilkan. Di samping itu, produk OEM itu juga turut akan dapat pensijilan yang akan dibantu seperti kelulusan KKM, HALAL, Mesti ( makanan/minuman ) NOTi dan token yang diperlukan.

Bayangkan jika anda tidak jumpa cara untuk jadi founder produk melalui Kilang OEM, anda mungkin rugi masa, tenaga dan wang! Bahkan produk yang dihasilkan juga tidak punyai kelulusan yang menyebabkan founder produk boleh disaman.

Kilang OEM Malaysia seperti UMZ Bioline Manufacturer adalah pilihan utama founder produk di seluruh Malaysia. Disamping jaminan kualiti optimum, harga yang ditawarkan untuk penghasilan seunit produk OEM amat murah dan kompetitif. Dengan minima penghasilan dari 1000 MOQ , produk anda boleh siap dalam masa 14 hari.

Founder Produk OEM mestilah punyai strategi pemasaran yang kukuh.

marketing strategy - Halal OEM Manufacturer

Jika anda sebelum ini pernah menjadi seorang dropship/stokis atau agen kepada mana-mana produk tidak kisah samada produk itu produk kesihatan ataupun kecantikan, kami yakin anda tahu sedikit sebanyak mengenai pemasaran.

Tetapi untuk capai menjadi Founder Produk OEM yang Berjaya, anda perlukan lebih dari itu. Strategi pemasaran ini merangkumi beberapa sistem. Sistem ini perlu difahami, diteliti dan perlu digunakan untuk kelangsungan perniagaan.

Punyai Strategi Pemasaran Online Melalui Platform Laman Web

marketing online - Halal OEM Manufacturer

Jika sebelum ini anda promote di fb page atau di Instagram, anda perlu tahu, bahawa laman web membantu CLOSE SALE dengan lebih mudah. Laman Web membantu anda berbagai cara seperti :

  • Menceritakan produk anda tanpa henti 24 jam kepada pelawat / pembeli / lead anda
  • Tolong close sale secara automatik
  • Anda tidak perlu nak kutip database mereka seperti nama, alamat dan no telefon, laman web akan tolong selesaikan perkara ini ketika pembelian berlaku
  • Sistem Pembayaran Online menggunakan FPX Payment
  • Jika anda nak bina stokis/agen dan nak mereka order dalam kuantiti banyak, order terus di website.
  • Anda boleh buat sistem affiliate dari website yang sekaligus membuatkan jualan produk anda lebih laju disamping membantu agen affiliate tambah pendapatan

Jika anda tidak punyai kepakaran bina laman web, boleh dapatkan khidmat Professional Website Designer Malaysia.

Automasi di Media Sosial Menggunakan BOT

media sosial - Halal OEM Manufacturer

BOT adalah satu istilah dari perkataan ROBOT yang membantu kita menguruskan pertanyaan mengenai produk di media sosial. Jika anda telah melancarkan beberapa kempen di media social untuk tujuan seperti

  • Penjenamaan
  • Promosi
  • Hebahan
  • Mencari Agen / Stokis / Dropship
  • Nak kumpul database pelanggan

Anda perlukan bot ini untuk bantu anda. Bayangkan jika anda buat 5 kempen berbeza di media social, anda akan dapat pertanyaan bertalu-talu di messenger, di ruangan komen yang perlu dijawab dengan segera. Jika lewat, lead anda akan hilang minat untuk dapatkan produk anda atau terus tolak ketepi kerana terlalu lama menunggu. Oleh itu BOT adalah automasi yang amat diperlukan untuk bantu anda dalam perniagaan ATAU anda boleh hire dua atau tiga orang admin untuk balas semua mesej dan komen. Kos itu amat besar jika anda adalah kali pertama menjadi founder produk.

method marketing - Halal OEM Manufacturer

Satu statistik menujukkan bahawa 80 peratus pengguna di Malaysia menggunakan Google untuk selesaikan masalah mereka. Seperti contoh “ En. Ali ingin menguruskan badan. Ia buka Google dan terus taip “ cara untuk kuruskan badan “ . En Ali jumpa Website produk kurus . com . En Ali beli produk di website tersebut “

Website yang mudah dijumpai meningkatkan kadar conversion sales. Dalam setiap 100 pelawat, peratus conversion normal adalah sebanyak 3-8 peratus. Dalam kata lain, setiap 100 orang, 3 ke 8 orang akan membeli. Dan jika 1000 orang sehari, 30 ke 80 orang membeli. Penggunaaan Google Ads dan SEO untuk naikkan ranking website membantu jualan produk dan bina jenama untuk produk tersebut.


Anda telah bersedia dan telah faham Cara untuk Jadi Founder Produk melalui Kilang OEM Malaysia , Sabah , Sarawak ? Jika ya , terus hubungi kami untuk konsultasi percuma. UMZ Bioline Manufacturer telah beroperasi lebih 15 tahun dan menjadi pilihan ratusan founder seluruh Malaysia untuk membangunkan produk. Kini giliran anda.

Bedak Foundation Permintaan Tinggi Tahun Ini

bedak foundation - Halal OEM Manufacturer

Tahukah anda , Bedak Foundation adalah antara produk yang mendapat permintaan tinggi pada tahun ini dan akan lebih banyak permintaan pada tahun ini nanti. Tahun ini bakal menjelang dalam masa beberapa hari lagi. Kami dari UMZ Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd ingin berkongsi kelebihan produk ini Bedak Foundation pada anda.

Sebab Perlu Pilih Bedak Foundation

Jika anda founder produk kosmetik yang ingin hasilkan produk jenama sendiri , kami sarankan pada tahun  ini untuk bina produk jenama sendiri iaitu Bedak Foundation. Ada 3 sebab produk Bedak Foundation ini menjadi saranan kami. Jika anda mahu terus hubungi PIC kami, boleh terus klik butang Whatsapp di atas , kami akan terus berinteraksi dengan anda 24/7.

Bedak Foundation – Tips Memilih Foundation

Kenal Pasti “Compact Powder” Keadaan Kulit Muka!

Pilih bedak foundation yang sesuai dengan kulit sendiri. Untuk kulit muka yang normal atau kering, pilih foundation yang berasaskan minyak. Bagi kulit berminyak pilih foundation yang berasaskan air. Untuk kulit sensitif, dapatkan nasihat pakar skincare terlebih dahulu.

Cuba “Compact Powder” Di Kawasan Yang Betul

Ramai wanita mencuba bedak foundation di belakang tapak tangan. Ini kurang tepat. Tona kulit muka dan tangan tidak sama. Calit sedikit di pipi anda. Dengan cara ini, pemilihan warna bedak foundation adalah tepat.

Pastikan Kesesuaian Penggunaan “Compact Powder” Dengan Aktiviti Harian Anda!

Jika anda berkerja di bawah panas matahari, pilihlah bedak foundation yang mempunyai SPF, iaitu pelindung sinar matahari. Sinar matahari menyebabkan kulit menghasilkan Melanin, iaitu ejen kepada penghasilan jeragat. Carilah foundation yang mempunyai SPF50 PA. Jika ia mempunyai rating “ +++ ” itu lebih baik. Lebih banyak tanda “ + “ bermakna ianya lebih efektif melindungi kulit anda dari sinar matahari. Bagi yang berkerja di pejabar berhawa dingin, pilihlah bedak foundation yang mempunyai pelembab agar kulit anda tidak kering.

“Compact Powder” Vs Usia Vs Tekanan

Garisan halus dan kedutan muncul bukan sahaja di wajah wanita berusia tetapi juga wanita muda akibat cuaca dan tekanan. Untuk menutup garis halus ini, bedak foundation yang sesuai ialah jenis mousse atau krim.

Pilih “Compact Powder” Yang Terbukti, Diyakini Dan Diiktiraf Selamat. Dihasilkan Dari Kilang Oem Bedak Foundation Bertaraf GMP!

Jangan sekali-kali beli bedak foundation dari brand atau jenama yang kita tidak tahu sejarahnya. Sekarang ini terlalu banyak produk kosmetik beracun “repack” dari negara jiran. Pilihlah produk yang berkualiti dan tidak membahayakan kulit wajah anda. Jika anda tersilap beli kos perubatan bukan murah. Itupun tiada jaminan kulit wajah anda akan dapat dipulihkan.

Bedak Foundation Popular Di Pasaran – Bedak Foundation Rimmel , Bedak Foundation Silkygirl , Foundation Sendayu Tinggi

Ini adalah antara-antara jenama besar yang membina produk bedak foundation di pasaran. Kerana permintaan yang tinggi, adakala produk ini laku habis setiap bulan. Jika anda ingin membina produk jenama sendiri, atau ingin membina terus dari Kilang OEM Bedak Foundation, UMZ Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd adalah pilihan utama.

Bedak Foundation Rimmel

example product - Halal OEM Manufacturer

Keseluruh bedak foundation ini diperkaya dengan serum yang selesa. Keseluruhnya terasa selesa dan tahan sepanjang hari. Peluh, kelembapan panas dan terbukti pemindahan sehingga 25 jam. Liputan yang tidak akan membuat anda kecewa. diuji oleh Ahli dematologi.

Ciri-ciri Produk:

  • Meratakan ke kulit dengan lancar
  • Peluh, panas dan kelembapan
  • Transfer proof
  • Tahan selama 25 jam

Bahan Produk




Bedak Foundation Silkygirl

example liquid foundation- Halal OEM Manufacturer

Silkygirl’s Skin Perfect Liquid Foundation SPF30 dengan ramuan Nano Seaweed Plus Vitamin E bertindak sebagai anti-oksidan terhadap radikal bebas, melindungi kulit dari penampilan garis-garis halus. Nanospheres 100 Vitamin A Palmitate menembusi jauh ke dalam kulit untuk meningkatkan kadar pembaharuan dan menghilangkan kusam. Mengandungi SPF 30 dan PA +++ untuk melindungi kulit dari sinaran UVA dan UVB yang berbahaya.

Bahan Produk

Active ingredients: Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate 3.0%. Water, Cyclopentasiloxane, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Dimethicone, Glycerin, Hydrogenated Polyisobutene, PEG/PPG-18/18, Dimethicone, Aluminum Starch Octenylsuccinate, Disteardimonium Hectorite, C30-45 Alkyl Dimethicone, Tocopheryl Acetate, Algae Extract, Retinyl Palmitate, Hydrolyzed Lupine Protein Octenylsuccinate, Hexylene Glycol, Phenyl Trimethicone, Hydroxyethyl Behenamidopropyl Dimonium Chloride, Silica, Ethylhexylglycerin, Copernicia Cerifera (Carnauba) Wax, Aluminum Dimyristate, Octyldodecanol, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Butylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Isobutylparaben. [+/-(May contain): Titanium Dioxide (CI 77891), Iron Oxides (CI 77491, CI 77492, CI 77499)]

Bedak Foundation Sendayu Tinggi

example foundation- Halal OEM Manufacturer

Bahan Produk

  • Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil – Melembapkan kulit, antibakteria dan kebal dalam penyembuhan luka
  • Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil – Mampu menenangkan kulit kering
    SPF15 – SPF15 membantu anda berada di bawah cahaya matahari selama 150 minit tanpa selaran matahari.
  • Concealer – Membantu menutup cela dan parut jerawat dengan sapuan ringan menggunakan jari sahaja
    Natural look – Sesuai untuk harian atau sebarang majlis. Laraskan lapisan bergantung pada pilihan anda daripada liputan sederhana hingga penuh.
  • Paraben Free – Bebas dari “paraben” untuk mereka yang mempunyai kulit sensitif

Pilih Kilang OEM Bedak Foundation Yang Tepat

Jika anda telah baca sehingga ke sini ,tahniah. Anda tinggal satu klik sahaja dari membina produk Bedak Foundation anda. Jika anda kali pertama ingin membina produk jenama sendiri ataupun founder dari jenama ternama, kami alu-alu kan anda. Di Umz Bioline Manufacturer Sdn Bhd, kami telah bantu ramai usahawan berjaya dalam produk kosmetik , supplimen , minuman dan ubat-ubatan. Kilang OEM bertaraf GMP yang mempunyai sijil HALAL, MESTi , MAL. Jika anda mahu membina produk terus di kilang OEM Bedak Foundation dengan harga dan MOQ yang kompetitif, hubungi kami hari ini.